Black Jack Is A Large Tropical Fish


  1. Large Tropical Fish For Sale
  2. The Black Jack Is A Large Tropical Fish

Tropical Fish Keeping - Aquarium fish care and resources TFK Resources DIY Aquarium Is it cheaper to build a large aquarium than buy one? Reply Page 1 of 2. Question is: The Black Jack Is A Large Tropical Fish and answer is: Predatory. On the application type: PREDATORY. Dec 17, 2019  It depends on your choice and needs. Morever, these large fish tanks and aquariums come with lots of various and necessary accessories that help maintain your aquarium perfectly. These large fish tanks are designed to make a great attraction to your places such as office, or home.

Many tropical fish are coral reef fish.

Tropical fish are generally those fish found in aquatic tropical environments around the world, including both freshwater and saltwater species. Fishkeepers often keep tropical fish in freshwater and saltwateraquariums. The term 'tropical fish' is not a taxonomic group, but rather is a general term for fish found in such environments, particularly those kept in aquariums.

Aquarium fish[edit]

Tropical fish is a term commonly used to refer to fish that are kept in heated aquariums. Freshwater tropical fish are more commonly kept than saltwater tropical fish due to the common availability of fresh water sources, such as tap water, whereas salt water is not commonly available and has to be recreated by using fresh water with sea salt additions. Linux command to check memory slots. Salt water has to be monitored to maintain the correct salinity because of the effects of evaporation. Freshwater tropical aquariums can be maintained by simply topping up with fresh water.Tropical fish are popular choices for aquariums due to their often bright coloration, which typically derives from both pigmented cells and iridescent cells.[1] Tropical fish may include wild-caught specimens, individuals born in captivity including lines selectively bred for special physical features, such as long fins, or particular colorations, such as albino. Some fish may be hybrids of more than one species.

Freshwater tropical fish[edit]

Most fish that are sold as tropical fish are freshwater species. Most species available are generally bred from fish farms in the far east[2] and Florida[3] where tropical temperatures make the commercial production more viable. Mass production of tropical fish from farms has led to many inexpensive fish available to aquarists. Tropical freshwater fish are the most popular group of fish because of the low price and ease of keeping in aquaria. Some species are difficult to breed in captivity and so are still sourced from the wild. These species are generally more expensive. Among the bred-in-captivity species, the most expensive freshwater species include arowanas and flowerhorn cichlids. Some male flowerhorns are sterile due to many cross breedings.[4]

Saltwater tropical fish[edit]

Black Jack Is A Large Tropical Fish

Marine fish that are sold as tropical fish are generally sourced from the wild, usually from the coral reefs around the world. This is because only a few species of marine fish have been successfully bred in captivity with any regularity. The price of marine fish coupled with the difficulty in keeping them alive in aquaria makes them less of a popular choice for aquarists to keep. However, because of the more vivid colours, patterns and behaviour of marine fish compared to freshwater fish, they are still reasonably popular. The advances in filtration technology and increase in available knowledge on how to maintain marine fish as well as the increasing number of aquarium-bred species is seeing a gradual rise in their popularity.

Coral reef tropical fish[edit]

Many marine tropical fish, particularly those of interest to fishkeepers, are those that live among or in close relation to coral reefs. Coral reefs form complex ecosystems with tremendous biodiversity. Among ocean inhabitants, tropical fish stand out as particularly colorful. Hundreds of species can exist in a small area of a healthy reef, many of them hidden or well camouflaged. Reef fish have developed many ingenious specialisations adapted to survival on the reefs.

Some recreationalSCUBA divers keep lists of fish species they have observed while diving, especially in tropical marine environments.

Coral reefs occupy less than 1% of the surface area of the world oceans,[5] yet they provide a home for 25% of all marine fish species. Reef habitats are a sharp contrast to the open water habitats that make up the other 99% of the world's oceans.

However, loss and degradation of coral reef habitat, increasing pollution, and overfishing including the use of destructive fishing practices, are threatening the survival of the coral reefs and the associated reef fish.



  1. ^'Fish coloration - The Fish Doctor & Fish Breeder'. The Fish Doctor & Fish Breeder. Retrieved 2015-11-16.
  2. ^'Ornamental fish farms: Aquaculture's next big trend?'. Retrieved 2015-11-28.
  3. ^'Florida Tropical Fish Farms Association'. Retrieved 2015-11-28.
  4. ^'More flowerhorn guides on caring, breeding, determining sex'. Thai FH - Supplier of flowerhorn fish international. Retrieved 2016-02-05.
  5. ^Corals and Coral Reefs - Smithsonian Institution
Retrieved from ''

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Binomial name
Caranx lugubris
Approximate range of the black jack
  • Caranx ascensionisCuvier, 1833
  • Caranx frontalisPoey, 1860
  • Caranx ishikawaiWakiya, 1924
  • Caranx tenebrosusJordan, Evermann & Wakiya,1927

The black jack, Caranx lugubris (alsoknown as the black trevally, blackkingfish, coal fish and blackulua), is a species of large marinefish inthe jack familyCarangidae. The specieshas a circumtropical distribution, found in oceanic, offshorewaters of the tropical zones of the Pacific, Atlanticand Indian Oceans.The species is particularly prevalent around offshore islands suchas the Caribbean islands in the Atlantic, Hawaii and FrenchPolynesia in the Pacific and the Seychelles and Maldives in the Indian Ocean. Black jack arerare in shallow waters, preferring deep reefs, ledges and seamounts in clear waters. The species iseasily distinguished by its black to grey fins and jet black scutes, with the head having asteep profile near the snout. The largest recorded length is 1 m and weight of 17.9 kg. The black jack liveseither individually or in small schools, and is known to schoolwith other species. It is a predatory fish, taking a variety offish, crustaceans andmolluscsas prey. Sexualmaturity is reached at 34.6 cm in females and 38.2cm in males, with spawning taking place between Februaryand September in the Caribbean. The early life history of thespecies is very poorly understood. Black jack are of highimportance to many island fisheries, but are rarely encountered inmost continental fisheries. The species has a reputation as a gamefish,and is variably considered a terrible or excellent food fish,although several cases of ciguatera poisoning have been attributed tothe species. The species was initially named Caranxascensionis by Georges Cuvier, however several issueswith the use of this name have seen Felipe Poey's name Caranx lugubrisbecome the valid scientific name.

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  • 1Taxonomy and naming
  • 3Distribution and habitat
  • 4Biology and ecology
  • 5Relationship to humans

Taxonomy andnaming

The black jack is classified within the genus Caranx, one of a number ofgroups known as the jacks or trevallies. Caranx itself ispart of the larger jack and horse mackerel family Carangidae, a group of percoid fishes in the orderPerciformes.[1]

The taxonomic historyof the black jack is quite complex, with the species first referredto in error as Scomber adscensionis (Osbeck, 1771), which wasalso used to describe what is now known as Pseudocaranx dentex.[2]Georges Cuvierresurrected this name when he described the species as Caranxascensionis in 1833. This was the first naming pertaining tothe fish, and would normally have priority over any names assignedlater. However the species as it is currently known, was first scientifically described in 1860 by the CubanzoologistFelipe Poey in his twovolume work HistoriaNatural de la Isla de Cuba,[3] or'Natural History of the Islandof Cuba'. He assigned the speciesto the jack genera Caranx, and gave the Latin specific epithet of lugubris,meaning 'mournful', or 'pertaining to mourning'.[4]Although the description was based on a fish from Cuba, no holotype is known for thespecies.[5]Poey initially described his species as different from Cuvier'sC. ascensionis, however he later placed both C.lugubris and another species he had named, C.frontalis, in synonymy with C. ascensionis.[2]In later work, Poey again listed these three names as synonyms, buttreated C. lugubris as valid, noting that Cuvier's namehad also been used for Pseudocaranx dentex.[2]Most later taxonomic revisions supported Poey's judgement, with thename C. ascensionis often considered a junior secondaryhomonym. William Smith-Vaniz and John Randall put forth a proposalto the ICZN in1994 to formally instate C. lugubris as the speciesname,[2]which was accepted in 1996.[6]

The species commonnames all refer to the black hue displayed by the fish, withthe name 'black jack' most commonly used. Other names include'black trevally', 'black kingfish', 'coal fish' and 'black ulua' inHawaii.[7]


Large Tropical Fish For Sale

The black jack is a large fish, and is confidently known to growto a length of 1 m[7]and a weight of 17.9 kg,[8]although is more common at lengths under 70 cm.[9] Atleast one source asserts a fish of 2.21 m has been reported,[10]which if true would make the black jack the second largest speciesof carangid behind the yellowtail amberjack (2.5 m).[7]The black jack has a similar overall body shape to the othermembers of Caranx, having an oblong, compressed form, with the dorsal profile more convexthan the ventral profile.[11]This convexity is most pronounced at the head, which slopes steeplydownwards, giving the head profile a very angular appearance. Theprofile between the snout and the nape is concave, with thisindent centered near the nostrils.[12]The mouth is fairly large compared to other members of its genus and the maxilla extends to under the centre of thefish's eye.[13]The upper jaw contains a series of strong outer canines with an innerband of smaller teeth, while the lower jaw contains a single row ofwidely spaced conical teeth.[11]The dorsal fin of theblack jack is in two sections; the first has 8 spines and the second1 spine and 20 to 22 soft rays. The anal fin has 2 anteriorly detached spinesand 16 to 19 soft rays. The lobes of both the dorsal and anal finsare elongated.[9] Thepelvicfins contain 1 spine and 21 soft rays, while the pectoral fins are falcate and longer thanthe head.[12]The lateral linehas a pronounced and moderately long anterior arch, with the curvedsection intersecting the straight section below the lobe of thesecond dorsal fin. The curved section of the lateral line containsaround 50 scales[12]while the straight section 26 to 32 strong scutes. The caudal peduncle also has pairedbilateral keels. The chest is completely covered in scales, whichlike the rest of the body are small and cycloid in nature. Thespecies has 23 to 30 gill rakers in total and there are 24 vertebrae present.[11]

The body of the black jack is a uniform olive to brown, grey andeven black colour along the backthat lightens to a grey-blue near the underside of the fish. Theblack jack's fins are grey to black, and the scutes are black. The upperlimit of the operculum often has a small dark spot present, usuallysmaller than the pupil.[13][9]

Distribution and habitat

The Black Jack Is A Large Tropical Fish

The black jack has a circumtropical distribution, meaning theirrange extends around the Earth'sequatorial oceans, therebyinhabiting the tropical and subtropical regions of the Atlantic,Pacificand Indian Oceans.In the Indian Ocean, they are found from Natal,South Africa[14] inthe west to northern Australia in the east.[5]They are patchily distributed along the east African and Asian coastline in the Indian Ocean, being absentfrom both the PersianGulf and Red Sea, aswell as several countries bordering the ocean.[7]The species is widely known from many Indian Ocean islandsincluding the Seychelles[15], Réunion, Mauritius and CargadosCarajos[16] Inthe Pacific Ocean, the black jack is known from parts of theIndonesian-Australian archipelago north to Japan, and through many of the Pacific Islandssuch as Hawaii, New Caledonia andTonga.[7]The species range in the eastern Pacific has been ranges from Mexico and the Revillagigedo Islands in thenorth to Costa Rica inthe south.[17]In the western Atlantic Ocean, black jack have beenfound from NorthCarolina in the U.S.[18]south to Rio de Janero, with the species most commonin the Caribbean and thenorthern Gulf ofMexico. In the eastern Atlantic, the species has been reportedfrom the Azores, MadeiraSt. Paul's Rocks, AscensionIsland, and the Gulf of Guinea.[7][19]

The black jack is a benthopelagic speciesrarely found in shallow inshore waters, preferring deep, clearoffshore waters[9] ofdepths from 12 to 354 m.[20]The species is most common in insular oceanic habitats and around offshore islands,rarely found close to the continents.[21]The black jack inhabits deep reefsand reef drop offs,[21]also being common around oceanic seamounts.[22][23] Ithas been recorded from lagoonsin the Solomon Islands.[24]

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Biology andecology

Black Jack Is A Large Tropical Fish

The black jack lives both in solitude and in schools of up to 30individuals.[18]Like several other jacks, black jack are able to coordinate theseaggregations over coralreefs based on the release of dimethylsulfoniopropionate(DMSP) from the reef. DMSP is a naturally occurring chemicalproduced by marine algae and to a lesser extent corals and their symbiotic zooxanthellae.[25] Inthe Atlantic the species has also been video-recorded schoolingwith the almacojack, Seriola rivoliana, and the greateramberjack, Seriola dumerili.[18]The diet of the species has been reported on two occasions; oncefrom EasterIsland in the south Pacific, where the diet consisted mainly offish and crustaceansincluding stomatopods and isopods;[26]and from Brazil, where avariety of fish, crustaceans and molluscs were taken.[27]There is also some suggestion that in Brazil the species may becompeting for food with the red snapper, Lutjanuscampechanus, with both having almost identical diets.[27]The black jack is also known to follow spinner dolphins to feed offtheir excrements.[28] Thelife history of the species has been determined in part from thewaters of Jamaica. Here theMale:Female sex ratioshave been reported as 1:0.55, indicating males are nearly twice ascommon than females.[29]The black jack reaches sexual maturity at 34.6 cm in femalesand 38.2 cm in males. The timing of spawning is poorly known, withoccurrences recorded in February, April, May and July toSeptember.[29]The reproductive behaviour and early life history of the species isentirely unknown. Analysis of black jack catches suggest theaverage length of the fish is 50 cm for males and 48 cm forfemales.[30]

Relationship to humans

The black jack is of moderate to high important to commercial fisheries throughout its range, often beingthe most abundant large carangid in offshore island catches.[31][32] Thespecies is taken by both various nets and traps as well as by hook and line.Black jack are usually marketed as fresh, whole fish, but they arealso sold salted or dried.[17]The species rarity in most areas means it is not a major target foranglers, however some offshore locations such as the Bahamas theblack jack is an important gamefish.[9] Thespecies appeal as a food fish varies between location, withsome regions considering it the best table fish available.[21]Despite this, numerous ciguatera poisoning cases have beenattributed to the black jack, with laboratory tests confirming thepresence of the toxin in thespecies flesh.[33]


  1. ^Caranx lugubris (TSN168613). IntegratedTaxonomic Information System. Retrieved on 14 September2009.
  2. ^ abcdSmith-Vaniz, W.; Randall, J. (1994).'Scomber dentex Bloch & Schneider, 1801 (currentlyCaranx or Pseudocaranx dentex) and Caranxlugubris Poey, [1860] (Osteichthyes, Perciformes): proposedconservation of the specific names'. Bulletin of ZoologicalNomenclature51 (4): 323-330. ISSN0007-5167.
  3. ^Poey, F. (1860). Memorias sobra lahistoria natural de la Isla de Cuba, acompañadas de sumariosLatinos y extractos en Francés. 2. Havana.pp. 97-336.
  4. ^Online Etymology Dictionary (2001). 'lugubrious'. Retrieved2009-10-13.
  5. ^ abHosese, D.F.; Bray, D.J., Paxton, J.R.and Alen, G.R. (2007). Zoological Catalogue of Australia Vol.35 (2) Fishes. Sydney: CSIRO. pp. 1150. ISBN978-0-643-09334-8.
  6. ^International Commission OnZoological Nomenclature (1996). 'Scomber dentex Bloch andSchneider, 1801 (currently Caranx or Pseudocaranxdentex) and Caranx lugubris Poey, (1860)(Osteichthyes, Perciformes): Specific names conserved'.Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature53(2): 140-14. ISSN0007-5167.
  7. ^ abcdef'Caranx lugubris'. FishBase. Ed. RanierFroese and Daniel Pauly. October 2009 version. N.p.: FishBase,2009.
  8. ^International Game Fishing Association(2001). 'Database of IGFA angling records until 2001 (Asmade available to FishBase)'. Black jack, Caranxlugubris. Fort Lauderdale, USA. Retrieved2009-10-14.
  9. ^ abcdeCarpenter, K.E. (ed.) (2002). The living marineresources of the Western Central Atlantic. Volume 3: Bony fishespart 2 (Opistognathidae to Molidae), sea turtles and marinemammals. FAO Species Identification Guide for FisheryPurposes and American Society of Ichthyologists and HerpetologistsSpecial Publication No. 5. Rome: FAO. pp. 1438. ISBN92-5-104827-4.
  10. ^
  11. ^ abcSmith-Vaniz, W. (1999). 'Carangidae'. inCarpenter, K.E. & Niem, V.H. (PDF). The living marineresources of the Western Central Pacific Vol 4. Bony fishes part 2(Mugilidae to Carangidae). FAO species identification guidefor fishery purposes. Rome: FAO. pp. 2659-2757. ISBN92-5-104301-9. http://
  12. ^ abcLin, Pai-Lei; Shao, Kwang-Tsao(1999). 'A Review of the CarangidFishes (Family Carangidae) From Taiwan with Descriptions of FourNew Records'. Zoological Studies38(1): 33–68.
  13. ^ abRandall, J.E. (1996). CaribbeanReef Fishes (Third Edition ed.). Hong Kong: T.F.H.Publications, Inc. Ltd. pp. 368. ISBN978-0793801176.
  14. ^Smith-Vaniz, W. (1986). 'Carangidae'.in Smith, M.M. & Heemstra, P.C. Smith's Sea Fishes.Berlin: Springer-Verlag. pp. 638-661. ISBN978-0387168517.
  15. ^Randall, J.E.; van Egmond, J.(1994). 'Marine fishes from the Seychelles: 108 new records'.ZoologischeVerhandelingen27: 43-83.Southeatern Naturalist3 (1): 155-172. ISSN1528-7092.
  16. ^Lubbock, R.; Edwards, A. (1981).'The fishes of Saint Paul's Rocks'. Journal of FishBiology18 (2): 135-157. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.1981.tb02810.x.
  17. ^
  18. ^ abcAmesbury, S.A.; Myers, R.F. (1982).Guide to the coastal resources of Guam. Volume1. University of Guam Press. pp. 141.
  19. ^Trunov, I.A. (2006). 'Ichthyofaunaof underwater rises off Ascension and St. Helena islands (AtlanticOcean)'. Voprosy Ikhtiologii46 (4):471-477. ISSN0042-8752.
  20. ^Miller, M.J.; T. Inagaki, J. Aoyama, K.Yoshizumi, T. Ajinomoto & K. Tsukamoto (2004). 'Ecology of Ichthyofauna atSeamounts: Unseen Islands of Biodiversity in the Deep Ocean'.Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo. Retrieved2009-05-21.
  21. ^SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and KnowledgeInformation Bulletin11: 13-25. Retrieved2009-05-21.
  22. ^DeBose, J.L.; Nevitt, G.A. (2006).'Dimethyl-sulfoniopropionate - A Potential Aggregation Cue forPelagic Jacks [abs]'. Ocean Sciences Meeting Abstracts87 (36): 1.
  23. ^
  24. ^ abBarroso, L.M. (1965). 'Notapreliminar sobre a alimentacao do xareu-preto (Caranxlugubris, Poey 1860) no nordeste do Brasil'. Boletim deEstudos de Pesca5: 7-11. ISSN0046-9939.
  25. ^Sazima, Ivan; Cristina Sazima &José Martins da Silva-Jr (2006). 'Fishes associated withspinner dolphins at Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, tropicalWestern Atlantic: an update and overview'. NeotropicalIchthyology4 (4): 451–455. ISSN1679-6225. Retrieved2008-08-04.
  26. ^ abThompson, R.; J.L. Munro (1974). 'TheBiology, Ecology and Bionomics of the Jacks, Carangidae'. in J.L.Munro. Caribbean Coral Reef Fishery Resources. Manilla:International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management.p. 82-94. ISBN971-102241-X.
  27. ^Borges, G.A. (1966). 'Notapreliminares sobre a biologia e pesca do xareu preto (Caranxlugubris, Poey, 1860) no nordeste Brasileiro'. Boletim deEstudos de Pesca6: 9-20. ISSN0046-9939.
  28. ^Mead, P. (1980). 'Report on thesecond visit of the South Pacific Commission Deep Sea FisheriesDevelopment Project to Niue'. SPC Report724/80: 1-28.
  29. ^Polovina, J.J.; Moffitt, R.B.,Ralston, S., Shiota, P.M. & Williams, H.A. (1985). 'FisheriesResource Assessment of the Mariana Archipelago, 1982-85'.Marine Fisheries Review47 (4):19-25.
  30. ^Pottier, I.; Vernaux, J.P., Jones,A. & Lewis, R.J. (2002). Analysis of toxin profiles inthree different fish species causing ciguatera fish poisoning inGuadeloupe, French West Indies. 19. pp.1034-1042. doi:10.1080/02652030210155378.